Hi bim Pro coach,
This is how your revenue share is calculated. If there is any question feel free to reach out to the team at contact@bim.miami.
Benjamin and Christophe
Pro coach account revenue share calculation
bim pays coaches 90% of its net revenue, on a monthly basis, based on the number of paid subscribers of their bim gyms.
With 1,000 paid subscribers to your gyms as a bim Pro coach you would earn between 2,038 EUR/mth and 3,054 EUR/mth.
With 3,000 paid subscribers to your gyms as a bim Pro coach you would earn between 6,114 EUR/mth and 9,162 EUR/mth.
With 10,000 paid subscribers to your gyms as a bim Pro coach you would earn between 20,380 EUR/mth and 30,539 EUR/mth.
Example of revenue share calculation​
If you have 2,000 paid subscribers with a 1-gym package and 1,000 paid subscribers with a 3-gym package your revenue share would be 8 146 EUR/mth.
a) Revenue share from 1-gym-suscription package subscribers
Gross revenue : 4.99 EUR/mth
Apple App Store commission (15%) : -0,75 EUR
VAT (20%) : -0.84 EUR
Net revenue : 3.39 EUR/mth
Pro coach revenue share (90%) : 3.05 EUR/mth
b) Revenue share from 3-gym-suscription package subscribers
Gross revenue : 9.99 EUR
Apple App Store commission (15%) : -1.50 EUR
VAT (20%) : -1.70 EUR
Net revenue : 6.79 EUR
Net revenue per gym : 2.26 EUR
Pro coach revenue share per gym (90%) : 2.04 EUR/mth
Total revenue share = 2,000 x 3.05 EUR + 1,000 x 2.04 EUR = 8,146 EUR/mth
Important notice :
The example above is for indicative purpose only.
The calculation of the net revenue may vary from time to time without prior notice.
The revenue share within a given calendar month from a subscirber is calculated as a proportion of the number of days subscribed during the calendar month.